The Future of the CPU - by Phil97 --------------------------------- "Intel Octium: 200 Ghz / 1024 bit CPU".. Will we be seeing such a device hyped in the press of the year 2005? Or is the exponential graph of CPU performance about to level off? Consider... Data Bus Width: --------------- We've gone from 4bit to 8,16,32, and now 64 bit. But how far can we or do we need to go? In the 8 bit days the limits were due to the materials and technology available but now its the laws of physics that are imposing the limits. For a start imagine the physical practicalities of routing high density data buses around inside a CPU. Transistors are already only a few hundred atoms across and electrons are weird creatures that start to display unwanted quantum interference effects at high densities / frequencies. There is also the problem of actually etching the silicon to make the CPU. The minute tracks are currently created by focusing the image of a Ultraviolet exposed photographic mask onto the silicon wafer. But higher track/component densities require ever tighter bandwidths of radiation to create the image. Such higher frequencies such as X-rays cannot be focussed accurately. Ok, you could make the CPU physically bigger but that would mean longer data paths increasing the time it takes for data to move around and also creating more resistance, requiring more power to overcome, and in turn generating more heat. In any case how wide do data buses need to be? With RISC technology each instruction is only a few bytes, so other than filling instruction pipelines from memory, (which could be done with a dedicated circuit anyway) there is not much point in lugging more than 8 consecutive bytes around at once... Clock speed: ------------ 400Mhz Pentium 2's have already been rumoured. Does this mean we can expect 1Ghz CPUs soon? And then on into the Terrahertz range? The "speed of electricity" (no quite the speed of light) puts a final barrier on clock speed, but there are other factors that set limits long before this; the switching speed of transistors for example. The more power allotted the faster they switch, unfortunately, more power = more heat. At 400Mhz, we are almost halfway toward the Gigahertz band (this is the frequency that cell phones and microwave ovens work at) and at such frequencies electro-magnetic radiation is readily generated - this would cause chaos at high power levels inside a high density CPU. The short-term solution to the heat problem, first used in the Pentium, was to drop the operating voltage (from 5 to 3 volts). You could go a bit lower than this but there is a limit: silicon transistors need 0.7 volts before they'll do anything, plus you need a safe noise margin to identify a definate "0" voltage level from a "1" voltage level.. Conclusion: ----------- Superconducting materials may one day provide a solution to the heat problems but this technology still seems a long way off. Further into the future, optical CPUs may be developed allowing speed-of-light computation and then that will truly be the end of the matter! But back to today, the PC philosophy is all wrong: It still relies on a single "workhorse" at the centre of the system. Parallel processing in one form or another is the way forward. Even the Amiga had this of sorts (Copper/blitter/DMA audio) and look at the games consoles: chock full of custom harware with a bog basic CPU and yet still outperforming top range PCs in everything that matters... -- _______ __ __ _ _____ __ _______ ________ .--- \_ __ \\ | /\|_|\\ /\/_/\/ ____/\\____ _/\--. | / |_/ // \ / \ / / /\_\/\ \_| \/ \__/ |\/ | | / ___// | \ \ \/__ \___ \ / _/\ | | /___|\__/___|___\__/______/\ \__|___\-/___|\/ | `--\___\| \___\____\_\______\/-------\____\\___\|---' end |